Western Independent Recordings WIR 0113 |
Vocals -Maurice Tani, Jenn Courtney (4), Pam Brandon (7, 13);
Accordion -Linda “Big Lou” Seekins (13);
Basses -Mike Anderson, M.Tani;
Drums -Trey Sabatelli, Christopher Fisher (5);
Fiddles -Steve Kallai (1), Alisa Rose (5,7);
Guitars -M. Tani, Jinx Jones (4), Pam Brandon (13);
Harmonica -Jimmy Sweetwater (10);
Backing Vocals -Kathy Kennedy (3), M.Tani, P. Brandon, Wil Hendricks, Misisipi Mike Wolf (5);
Keyboards-Jim Pugh, M.Tani;
Mandolin -Adam Roszkiewicz (5);
Pedal Steel -David Phillips;
Percussion -Jeanine Richardson;
Saxophones -Armen Boyd (8);
2013 |
BLUE LINE is the fourth studio album from Californographic singersongwriter Maurice Tani and 77 El Deora. The 13-track collection provides another spin with Tani through his original narratives of open roads and closed chapters and, as always, a unique take on a few classics.